
Title Description Classification Physicals Data Sheet SDS Sheet
ENiCu-7 FC Used for joining dissimilar alloys including nickel-copper alloys, carbon steel, low alloy steel, MONEL® 400, R-405, and K-500, and copper alloys. AWS ENiCu-7 70,000 psi tensile min. 30% Elongation min. Data Sheet  
ENiMo-7 FC Can combat corrosion especially in the chemical industry. High Moly content offers protection against pitting & crevice corrosion. AWS ENiMo-7 110,000 psi tensile min. 25% Elongation min.    
N22 FC Used to join & repair NiCrMo alloys. Will resist stress corrosion cracking, localized corrosion and oxidizing & reducing chemicals and atmospheres. AWS ENiCrMo-10 100,000 psi tensile min. 25% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N82 FC Used for joining Ni-Cr-Fe alloys and for dissimilar alloys such as stainless, MONEL® , and carbon steels. Especially suited of overlay. AWS ERNiCr-3 80,000 psi tensile min. 30% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N100A Used for joining Ni-Cr-Fe alloys and dissimilar alloys such as stainless, 9% nickel, and carbon steel. AWS ENiCrFe-2 80,000 psi tensile min. 30% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N102 FC For welding nickel-chrome-molybdenum alloys including Hastelloy X. AWS ENiCrMo-2 114,000 psi tensile min. 43% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N117 FC Used for applications where optimum strength and oxidation resistance are required above 1500°F up to 2100°F when welding on nickel-chrome -moly alloys. AWS ENiCrCoMo-1 90,000 psi tensile min. 25% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N182 FC Use for joining Ni-Cr-Fe alloys and for surfacing steel and joints in clad steels. AWS ENiCrFe-3 80,000 psi tensile min. 30% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N276 FC This alloy has excellent resistance to corrosion, also oxidation at high temperatures. AWS ENiCrMo-4 100,000 psi tensile min. 25% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N625L FC Used for joining Ni-Cr-Mo alloys and other nickel alloys for service conditions that require high strength and corrosion resistance. AWS ERNiCrMo-3 100,000 psi tensile min. 30% Elongation min. Data Sheet SDS Sheet
N718 FC Maintains excellent tensile strength up to 1400˚F, and will resist oxidation and strain-age cracking. Designed for overlay applications. Inconel® 718 Solution treated and age hardened Data Sheet  
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